Detailed Equine Diagnostics
Utilizing diagnostic imaging resources and therapeutic treatments, we provide general equine internal medicine to treat and nurture horses back to health. To diagnose horses suffering from medical conditions or infectious diseases, we supply detailed bloodwork, biochemistry, endoscopy and more.
Internal Medicine services offered by Cor Veterinary Services include:
- Diagnostic Bloodwork
- Ophthalmic Examination
- Gastroscopy: 3.5 meter gastroscope to evaluate your horses stomach for ulcers, bots or masses
- Respiratory Medicine: Video airway endoscope to evaluate airway passages and anatomy, to evaluate for EIPH, airway paralysis or displacement, etc.
- Broncho Alveolar Lavage (BAL): A fluid sample is collected to evaluate your horse’s airway and lungs.
- Coggins testing and health papers for export
Upper Airway Video Endoscopy
Video Endoscopy (1.5 meter) can detect respiratory tract diseases or head conditions, allowing visualization of the upper airways including nasal passages, pharynx, larynx, guttural pouches and trachea. Conditions which can be diagnosed or evaluated using this technology include: Exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH, aka: bleeders), Dorsal Displacement of the soft palate (DDSP), Inflammatory airway disease (IAD), nasal discharge, coughing, respiratory noise during exercise, and head shaking, to name a few.
Gastric Video Endoscopy
Our 3.5 meter Gastric Video Endoscopy allows us to evaluate the esophagus, squamous and glandular regions of the stomach and proximal segment of the small intestine in your horse. This is the most diagnostic method for diagnosing gastric ulcers in your horse.
Urogenital Video Endoscopy
Video Endoscopy allows for visual examination of the urogenital tract in a minimally invasive manner, enabling Cor Vet Services and our clients to observe and discuss what is being evaluated and affecting your horse’s urinary tract or reproductive system.